This show by Tao Art Gallery brings together two powerful artists and independent mediums,
exploring their common experience of the creation of art. Alex Davis and Rahul Inamdar - both intrinsically interact with the pieces they make: molding, nourishing, creating, destroying and
then ultimately reviving. The works are alive, incarnations of the artist but also
the genesis of the artist’s becoming!
In his current series, Inamdar allows his canvas to participate in its own creation,
allowing it to slowly and whimsically absorb the color and chart its own path.
The lines drawn merge into the oil and create unique shapes, pulling in the
viewer to explore their mystery. Surpassing time and space, the works challenge
with their dichotomy: soft and loud, minimal and maximal, monotone and
colorful, all in the same moment. In his words, ‘the artist becomes the instrument,
the work becomes music”.
Davis embraces a similar dichotomy in his sculptural creations. Sharp stainless
steel evolves to become a delicate fluid design and enormity in scale is balanced
by sensitivity to the intricacies of his inspiration. Nature is the muse for this
series as he brings to life architectural plants like blossoms, orchids, creepers
and bamboo groves in a truly Contemporary way! Davis’s art pushes the viewer
to see these seemingly finite natural elements in a more solid, permanent and
statement form. He describes this endeavor, “I am essentially a maker and my
engineering and design educations allow me to push the limits of materials and
technologies for a desired effect”.
The only intention of Merging Metamorphosis is to engage intuitively, challenge boundaries, and
trigger an ongoing metamorphosis. It promises to bring together two powerful artists exploring their common experience of creation of art through independent mediums. The works are alive,
incarnations of the artist but also the genesis of the artist’s becoming!
Two artists. Two mediums.
One merging intention: engage intuitively, challenge boundaries, and trigger an
ongoing metamorphosis.
At Merging Metamorphosis, audiences will get an opportunity to witness an intrinsical interaction with the pieces the artists make: moulding, nourishing, creating, destroying and then ultimately reviving.