You know WHAT to do,
but don't know HOW!
Feel like talking to someone who knows
the art of "Art Business'?
Worry not, you are on the right page!
You just need to have the guidance
to lead you in a direction,
until you can do it yourself!
Your problem may have multiple suggested solutions, but how do you decide the best for you?

Most problems can be solved
by putting the right words in these blanks:
..... and then doing it.
Let us fix these blanks for you.
Choose the area that you identify as challenging,
fill in your contact info and book your session!
3 easy steps and you are sorted!

Marketing & Sales

Is this you the moment you started thinking about
Art Marketing and Sales?
You probably have collected a lot of information by watching videos or reading books and blogs;
what exactly is the best foot forward for you?
What simple tricks can save you time and give you better results? Which strategy is the optimum balance between thinking out of the box and staying in your comfort zone?
Obviously, we don't have a magic-wand to make you reach your goals, but we can definitely work a little magic in helping you provide clarity to your goals and define the road-map to achieve them.
Our expert will answer each and every one of your marketing doubts,
90 minute, 1:1 call with you to help you navigate.
A Marketing Artist Consultancy session is priced at INR 2000/- only
Marketing is more about Sociology and Psychology,
and less about Technology.